(1) Vendor needs to provide environmental site assessment service to the government authority located in Lincoln, NE.
- Environmental Site Assessment
a.) Records Review of physical setting sources related to the Assessment Property;
b.) Review of federal, state, tribal, and local environmental records related to the Assessment and adjoining property; and
c.) Review of historical information related to the Assessment Property.
d.) Site Reconnaissance
e.) Conduct a visual walk-through of the Assessment Property and facilities
f.) Document visual site setting and land use of Assessment Property;
g.) Visual inspection of adjoining properties from property lines of Assessment Property; and
h.) Document site reconnaissance with photographs.
i.) Interview current landowner, occupant, facility manager(s), if any and others as applicable;
j.) Interview with client about specialized knowledge of the Assessment Property.
k.) Report-of-Findings
l.) Prepare the Report of Findings summarizing the results of the records review, site reconnaissance, and interviews and submit as an electronic document (PDF). The Consultant shall prepare a report of findings summarizing the results of the site survey.
- Environmental Site Assessment (if required by Owner)
a.) The Consultant shall coordinate closely with Owner to confirm the needs and requirements are met to the greatest extent possible.
b.) The Consultant shall provide Owner with a draft Work Plan and a final Work Plan.
c.) The Consultant shall conduct Invasive Site Instigation, if recognized Environmental Conditions are identified.
d.) Data collection efforts may include analysis of soil, air, and/or water sampling.
e.) The investigation shall include up to five (5) soil borings and lab testing.
f.) Soil type investigation of 3-4 boring locations.
g.) Structural soil/rock investigations of 1-2 boring locations.
h.) The Consultant shall prepare a report of findings and provide Owner with a draft report and a final report.
(2) Non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on February 6, 2023