– Vendor needs to provide investment consultant services to the government authority located in Nebraska. • Non–discretionary investment consultant services, including advice and recommendations based on industry data and information, and the investment consultant's judgment and experience.• Measure and evaluate the investment performance of each asset pool and provide a written report on a quarterly basis at a minimum of seven calendar days prior to quarterly meeting dates. – The report shall include specifications provided by the agency and may include, at a minimum:– Rate of return for each investment option using previous data.– Distribution of assets by investment options in terms of market value and percent of assets.– Investment results comparison to each investment manager’s benchmark, both gross of fees and net of fees.– Risk in terms of return volatility.– Proxy voting guidelines of the investment manager for consistency with the agency's applicable investment policy statement.– Brokerage and trading practices of any separate account investment managers.– Evaluation of investment policy and objectives performed by investment managers.– Summaries of periodic reviews and discuss with the investment manager to review performance and any changes.• Assist in the revision of the agency's asset allocation policy, report on the assets compared to the approved asset allocation policy, provide recommendations for rebalancing the portfolio, as necessary.• Conduct a search and make recommendations for the addition or replacement of investment managers, as deemed necessary.• Make recommendations to place an investment option or investment manager under formal review, also known as the watch list, consistent with the investment policy.• Make recommendations to remove an investment option or investment manager from the watch list either due to improved performance or termination of the investment option or investment manager.