(1) Vendor needs to provide microfilm digitization services using scanning resolution at 300 dpi in JPEG, PDF, PDF/A or TIFF file formats.– The Vendor will than digitally scan the microfilm/microfiche, store it on their secured property, maintain the files to preserve the records.– The awarded Vendor will then provide access to the data after scanning upon request by employees to do their duties of handling record requests and searches in the court records.– These records will not have public access.– Request awarded Vendor to Owner’s for an annual fee to access information.– Continue with digital reel digitization on an as needed basis.– The first digitalization will consist of a bulk shipment with completion to be within one year of signing the contract. • Scanning requirements– Rolls to be captured in both bi–tonal mode and grayscale mode.– Fiche to be captured in both bi–tonal mode and grayscale mode.• Retrieval application– A visually obvious means of ensuring that the entire roll of film has been captured digitally in a continuous stream – the entire roll must be captured including splices, space between images, and any other artifacts on the original roll.• Compliant Hosted System• Implementation(2) All questions must be submitted no later than July 5,2024.(3) The contract period will be one year.