(1) Vendor needs to provide actuarial services to the government authority located in Lincoln, NE.– Provide actuarial consultation and advisory services on any technical, policy, legal, or administrative issues via meetings, telephone calls and written correspondence– Make recommendations to the agency on possible improvements for the financing and benefit structure of the retirement systems as new developments in the retirement industry occur– Review, consult on, and perform other actuarial functions in pricing proposed state and federal statutory changes or enactments– Develop, provide, and maintain the various actuarial assumptions, tables, rates, and factors needed– Assist in reviewing the form and content of records and data kept by agency as needed for the assessment of legislative proposals, actuarial studies, experience analysis, and other valuations– Assist agency in providing to covered plan employers the required supplementary information in accordance with GASB statement nos. 67 and 68(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than March 3, 2025.(3) The contract period will be for three years.