(1) Vendor needs to provide broadcast intercom communication system upgrade services.
- In addition, multiple broadcast quality control rooms, staff and student post-production editing via a common and a television production studio allow staff to produce a multitude of live events and digital content.
- The new mitsubishi screen replay screen is one of the largest in any college stadium in the measuring 117-feet 7 1/8- inches wide by 33-feet-7 3/16-inches high, roughly five times the width of the original screens inside memorial stadium.
- The main screen was also upgraded to 10 mm.
- To install and commission a replacement intercom system, replace aging audio consoles and integrate those new systems into the existing QSC Q-sys systems.
- To install and commission a new intercom system, new audio consoles, new audio input-output equipment and then integrate all new systems and equipment into the existing networked and baseband audio systems.
- Audio systems include QSC Q-sys for networked audio, the main broadcast Harris AES3 audio router frame and analog audio patch bays in venues.
Interfacing the new equipment to existing Q-SYS audio systems and skill development institute and AES3 facility routing including materials, system design, integration and commissioning.
(2) The contract term will be three years.